The LEX II Outdoor Rental & Fixed LED Display from Retop: A Game-Changer in Custom LED Display Panels

Aug 05,2024

Greetings from Retop, the industry leader in cutting-edge LED display solutions. With the aim of revolutionizing the custom LED display panel industry, we are excited to present our ground-breaking LEX II Outdoor Rental & Fixed LED Display. The LEX II Outdoor LED Display offers unparalleled convenience, versatility, and affordability with its ultra-lightweight and slim design, front and rear maintenance options, and simple installation. Join us as we delve into the remarkable features that make the LEX II Outdoor Rental & Fixed LED Display the ultimate choice for custom LED display panels.

Ultra Light & Slim: Effortless Transportation and Installation

Retop's LEX II Outdoor Rental & Fixed LED Display boasts an ultra-light and slim design, making it a game-changer for custom LED display panels. With a panel thickness of only 65mm and a weight of 7.8/14kg, the LEX II Display significantly reduces transport costs and makes installation effortless. The lightweight construction allows for easier handling and reduces the risk of damage during transportation. Whether you need to move the display for rental purposes or install it for a fixed LED panel application, the LEX II Outdoor Rental & Fixed LED Display ensures convenience without compromising on performance.

Front & Rear Maintenance: Easy and Time-Saving Operation

The LEX II Outdoor Rental & Fixed LED Display offers optional front and rear maintenance, providing advertising companies and display manufacturers with convenient and time-saving maintenance operations. The front and rear maintenance options allow for easy access to the display module, power supply, and control system, ensuring efficient troubleshooting and component replacement. This feature minimizes downtime and maximizes the operational efficiency of custom LED display panels. With the LEX II Outdoor Rental & Fixed LED Display, you can achieve hassle-free maintenance, reducing costs and optimizing the overall performance of your LED display.


Retop's LEX II Outdoor Rental & Fixed LED Display is a game-changer in the world of custom LED display panels. With its ultra-light and slim design, the display offers effortless transportation and installation, making it a cost-effective solution for advertising companies and display manufacturers. The optional front and rear maintenance feature further enhances the convenience and time-saving operation of the display, ensuring efficient troubleshooting and component replacement. Trust in Retop's expertise and innovation to deliver cutting-edge LED display solutions that improve custom LED display panels. Contact us today to explore the limitless possibilities and take your LED display business to new heights of success with the LEX II Outdoor Rental & Fixed LED Display. Embrace the convenience, versatility, and cost-effectiveness of Retop's solution and redefine the world of custom LED display panels.

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