Elevate Outdoor Advertising with Retop's TES II PRO Outdoor Fixed LED Display

Aug 24,2024

Welcome to Retop, your trusted partner in innovative LED display solutions. In this article, we are excited to introduce our brand and showcase the exceptional TES II PRO Outdoor Fixed LED Display. As leading digital billboard manufacturers, Retop offers a highly integrated design that combines quick disassembly capabilities with a customized curved shape screen. Discover how our TES II PRO series improves outdoor advertising, providing versatile and visually captivating solutions for a wide range of applications.

Highly Integrated Design for Seamless Installation

Retop's TES II PRO Outdoor Fixed LED Display boasts a highly integrated design, ensuring a seamless installation process. The module and power cabinet are specifically engineered to support quick disassembly, making setup and maintenance efficient and hassle-free. With our integrated design, you can save valuable time and resources while enjoying the benefits of a reliable and visually stunning outdoor LED display. As digital billboard manufacturers, we understand the importance of a streamlined installation process, and our TES II PRO series delivers just that.

Versatile Installation Method for Customized Visual Experiences

At Retop, we believe in providing our clients with limitless possibilities. The TES II PRO series offers a unique installation method that allows for customized curved shape screens. With the module's 45-degree hypotenuse design, achieving a curved shape screen becomes easy, enabling you to create captivating and visually dynamic displays. Whether you require a concave or convex screen, our TES II PRO Outdoor Fixed LED Display offers the flexibility to bring your creative vision to life. Break away from traditional flat displays and captivate your audience with visually stunning curved LED video walls.


Retop, as one of the leading digital billboard manufacturers, presents the TES II PRO Outdoor Fixed LED Display, a game-changer in outdoor advertising. With its highly integrated design and quick disassembly capabilities, installation and maintenance become effortless, saving you time and resources. The TES II PRO series also offers a versatile installation method, allowing for customized curved shape screens that elevate your visual experiences.

Contact Retop today to explore our range of outdoor LED display options and take your outdoor advertising to new heights. Trust in our expertise as digital billboard manufacturers to deliver reliable, visually captivating, and highly customizable solutions. With Retop's TES II PRO Outdoor Fixed LED Display, you can create impactful LED video walls that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Embrace the future of outdoor advertising with Retop's innovative LED display technology.

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